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9 Ways To Tell Where An Amazon Seller Is Located

Amazon is a marketplace that allows third-party sellers or FBA seller to sell their products to consumers on the Amazon marketplace.

It offers a large selection of different items, such as books and toys, from the best-known brands. One important thing about Amazon is the fact that any third-party seller can sell on the platform and some do so at low prices.

The location of the seller is important since buyers want to know from where the seller is shipping the item and they also want to know if they would be able to get the item if there is a problem with it.

Here are some of the easiest way you can do so by looking at the product listings and more.

1) Social Media Platforms

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Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are great when it comes to looking for an Amazon seller. Amazon customers can find out a lot about a seller from the information that they share on their social media profiles.

If a person or company has few followers, then it is important to ask why is that so.

Social media platforms are also very important when it comes to finding out the location of an amazon seller. The main reason for this is that the third party seller will most likely say something about their location on their social media central account.

The other advantage of looking at social media platforms is that one can see how efficient the business is and how good its customer service is.

2) Phone Numbers

It is also important to see what phone numbers are on the individual sellers profile. These can be used to call the seller and ask them where they ship from. This could have since changed from policy change, but fret not! Read on to find another method.

Since Amazon is a marketplace, one might assume that all sellers are located in the United States, but that is not true.

This is because some sellers have different warehouses across the world and are based in another country. There are sellers that ship from Asia, Europe, and Africa while the Amazon warehouse is based in the US.

It is important to know this information so that if a buyer does not receive his order in time, he can contact the seller for help.

Some specific brand name or specific seller provide their phone number within their own products so customers can call them directly. This usually means that you have to buy the product first.

3) Emails

It is also important to look at the emails that are given on a seller’s profile. If the emails are very generic, then it means that they do not want to be contacted.

If the seller sends a generic email stating that they do not have any knowledge of their products, then it means that they are lying and probably do not even own the company.

It is important to know if a seller has experience because this will make things more reliable since they would probably know what they are doing and how to treat their customers.

The last thing a customer wants is to deal with an amazon seller who doesn’t know what they are talking about.

4) Address Validation

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In case a buyer does not trust the seller’s profile, then it is also possible to use an address checker for Amazon sellers.

This checker will provide information about the location of the seller. One important note to remember when using this tool is that some old sellers might have moved to a different location, so those might come up with different results.

You can find the address by clicking on the seller name under the product detail page.

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Business Address is publicly available on Amazon

One of the many best practices here is to look at the address that came up and you can get a glimpse of where this Amazon storefront is based at.

5) Searching by Store Name

A search by store name can be done on Amazon through the search results. This will provide information about the sellers’ names, number of sellers and where they are located neat the top of the page.

People who do not want the customer to know that the product will be shipped from another country can do this to hide their location.

People who order from Amazon usually look for sellers with a business in the US so that if there are any problems, then they can contact them through regular mail or phone calls.

6) Website Search

It is also possible to look at the website for a seller. If the website does not have any contact information, then it means that the seller does not want to be contacted. The other thing that can be looked at is if the company has an official website or if it just has an online store.

An official website will have information about the company and its products and it can also be checked by going to a different country and checking out the site.

It is a good idea to do a quick google search of the brand name would reveal this easily off the Amazon platform.

7) Time Zone of the Seller

This is another way to know if the seller is located in the US or another country. It is important to know this because sometimes amazon sellers might not be available at certain times due to time differences.

The information about their time zone can be found on their social media accounts, in the comment section of their products, or on their website.

8) Logo & Company Details

If a company has tags or logos on its products, then it is possible to look at them and find out where they are located.

This is because logos from a certain country will have a different emblem than the ones from other countries. It is also important to know what country’s colors are in the logo and what language is used on it.

9. Sellgo’s Seller Map

Sellgo is a company that provides customers with the location of the seller account. It is important to know exactly where the company is located and this website provides a lot of information about the seller’s business.

This tool can provide answers about companies that are selling products on amazon and it maps them depending on where they are located.

One can also know more about companies who sell to Amazon by using this tool.

This tool can be used to check if a seller really owns their business or if he just has an online store who sends their products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers under the FBA program. This tool can be used to search out sellers that are reliable and do not break any of the rules lately.

Wrapping Up

With these tips, you the customer can make an informed decision on any new items that you wish to purchase from Amazon listings for the lowest price possible. This helps you in finding out the location of any particular seller through the company name and seller profile page.

Many online retailers and now sending their products the Amazon fulfillment centers to take advantage of prime shipping promised to prime members.

So if you are ever curious about how can you sell on Amazon with the private label model through the Amazon FBA program, then I’d 100% recommend that you visit this next page for to get started!

It’s great to be spending money on Amazon, but earning money on Amazon is even better.

Good luck!


1) Can I get a refund from an amazon seller?

The answer depends on your assumption. An Amazon seller may refund a customer who has received a product that did not make it to the buyer’s house. This can be done if something went wrong with the product that was sent by the amazon seller.

It can also be done if something goes wrong with the delivery of the product but it will be seen as serious and a customer should go through the proper channels before claiming a refund.

2) What should I do when I get a damaged product?

If you receive a damaged product then you should contact the amazon seller and ask for a refund. In this case, the amazon seller will most likely refund you the money.

It is important to show proof that the item has been damaged because if it is not, then the amazon seller will most likely not be willing to give you your money back.

3) How do I know if an Amazon seller is a scammer?

This depends on the person who you are buying from. Some assume that any Amazon seller with a few stars is a scammer but this is not true.

Some sellers are new and they might just have some things to learn. It is important to look at the buyer reviews written by the customers who bought from that amazon seller and see if they have written anything good or bad about them.

Always be sure about the location of the seller because some sellers have their items shipped from other countries. In this case, it is important to know how difficult it will be to contact the seller.

Another way to check if an Amazon seller is a scammer is to look at their account on social media as well as their profile. If the person seems shady, then it might be a scammer and one should never interact with them.

4) How can I find a good Amazon seller?

The best way to find a good seller is by looking at the seller’s rating on social media. This is because this shows the kind of people who are buying from that particular amazon seller. There are several things that one should look out for and they will be listed below.

  • They should have a lot of positive feedback from other customers so you know that they are legit and will not lie to you or sneak products through your mail.
  • The amazon seller should have a lot of positive feedback from other sellers as this will show you that they are reliable and will give you the best service.
  • The amazon seller should have a lot of positive feedback because it shows that they know what they are doing and do their jobs well which makes them an overall good seller.

5) Can I ask the buyer for his social security number so that I can start an investigation on him?

In most cases, no. The only case in which you can do that is if the buyer has written fraud on a product which means that they have returned the item and claimed a refund which they are not entitled to.

This can be looked at on amazon’s website but most of the time, it will just not be there. It is also not possible to ask for the buyer’s social security number even though you have reason to believe that he or she is a scammer.

6) What if I do not get an Amazon refund?

If a buyer does not get a refund for the products that did not arrive at the correct time, then they can file a claim with Amazon. It is important to note that this will take some time before solving. In some cases, there is no money to give back because most likely the seller has already used it up or sold it to someone else.

This also depends on your location and how long you have waited for the product to arrive. If you have waited for a long time, then it is possible that the amazon seller has not received the order and will not be able to give you your money back. In this case, there is no sense of justice in waiting for a refund but if you want to wait for it, then waiting can be done but you should be prepared that there is a chance that it may never arrive.

7) Which mode of payment can I use to pay the seller?

One can use credit cards, pay pal and bank to pay. Always remember that you should use a basic pay-to-wallet like adapt and pay. There are a lot of sellers who will not accept pay pal unless they have provided this option on the product page which is something that users should be aware of.

8) How long does the shipment takes?

Shipping can take a short time or it can be a long time depending on the location of the seller.

This is why it is important to check this information when you are purchasing a product. If the seller is located in another country and the product has to be shipped, then it might take some time before arriving at your house.

There are also a lot of sellers who ship products from amazon which will make them arrive much sooner.

9) What to do if the seller says there is no item in stock?

Amazon offers a lot of ways in which one can check if the seller has an item in stock or not. One of the most common ways is to look at the product page.

If there are no pictures there, then it will be seen as a scam seller and they will not be seen again as a seller on Amazon and will most likely be reported. Another way to check if there is an item in stock is by checking out their other products.

Locating the seller is important because if a seller does not want to be located, then one should not be doing business with them. This is why it is important to make sure that the seller has an address so that one can send the item back if it is not working properly.

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