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The Amazon Vine Program Explained: What is The Vine?


 When a seller wants to make his product famous and well known on Amazon, he must get some opinions and reviews for the successful sale of his product. The opinions and reviews must be very positive to highlight the product. The feedback of customers always brings on the business, and it’s proof that people should buy the product.

 In the previous times, and Amazon had a policy that the seller could sell the products in exchange for reviews and feedback but, now after 2016 Amazon has changed the policies regarding the sale of items and it is not allowed to sell items like before. It has brought forward a program called, “Amazon Vine Program.” First, it was only enabled for vendors, but now it is allowed for third-party sellers too.

 In this article, we will go through the Amazon vine program, how it works, the procedure of enrollment, and its advantages, and disadvantages.

 What is the Amazon vine program?

 It is a program through which sellers can be provided with true, objective, and neutral reviews for their items. It is not like the previous program that any customer can write a review and get a free item for exchanging the reviews. As it’s the era of modern technology and the vine program only allows the reviewers who are most reliable and trustful.

 How does it work?

 Amazon vine itself invites its most trusted reviewers to review the items and provide their feedback. When the unbiased and honestly provided feedbacks are up with the products, the vine program then allows the seller to do a free exchange of items with the reviewer. This doesn’t mean at all that you will be provided with good feedback all the time, you may get negative feedback also. This feedbacks are very detailed and every aspect of the product is covered in it.

 The procedure of Enrollment: 

 For the first time, when only vendors were enabled for this vine program, Amazon introduced the program for some payment. It was paid and vendors who pay the required amount were allowed for the enrollment only.

 This is good news that it is now free of any cost to enroll in the Amazon vine program. The only need is to cover the cost of the item going to get a review.


 There are some requirements to get enrolled in Amazon Vine Program. These are as follows,

 1. Each product is given away for free.

 2. A seller must be registered according to his brand.

 3. The product must be in a new condition.

 4. On your listings, there should be less than 30 reviews.

 5. The product should not be from any adult category.

 6. The product should be launched before the enrollment in the Amazon vine program.

 7. Inventory for the product should be available with the seller.

 8. The listing of the product should contain its image and a very good description for its enrollment for the vine program.

 Steps of enrollment: 

 The above-stated requirements are very strictly essential for enrollment. If a seller of the product wants to follow the next steps of enrollment, he should see all the above requirements first, and the go-ahead for the steps. The steps for enrollment in the Amazon vine program are described below.

 1. You have to go to the seller central and open the advertising tab. There would be an option to select vine.

 2. When you select the vine option, on the screen you would see the option of Enroll on Amazon Vine. It can be only done if your brand is registered.

 3. Then a screen will be opened by clicking to Enroll on Amazon Vine, here you will enter the ASIN number and click on the button to begin the enrollment.

 That’s all for the steps. Now, after the enrollment is done. You will be allowed to send samples of your item to be selling to Amazon. The system will then inform the voices about a set of a new product, and then allows them to view, and provide their feedback for the product. It is the decision of Amazon itself that to whom they enable to view the product based on their buying and reviewing history. For example, if a voice has a history of purchasing furniture items, then the Amazon system will offer them the product related to the furniture category to give feedback and reviews. When a vine voice sees your product on Amazon, they need a period of 1 or 2 months to provide the feedback because they need to use the product for some time to provide the ideal judgment and feedback. The reviewers are not bound to provide only positive feedback for the product.

 Advantages of program: 

 • The reviews are of high quality, and very detailed because Amazon chooses very appropriate and detail-oriented voices to provide their reviews.

 • The feedback is more practical than favorable. The reviewers are not only bound to give approve the review.

 • There is no fee charged for the enrollment.

 • It brings traffic to view your product and provide feedback. This is all a seller wants to sell the products and makes them famous among people.

 Disadvantages of the program:

 • The reviews are dependable upon the voices, whether they provide you good, bad, or say nothing about your product. This makes the entire sale relative to the reviewer’s view.

 • Some sellers’ brands are not registered, but they can be trusted for the quality and reliability of the products, but, Amazon does not allow the brands to enroll in the non-registered vine program.


From the above description of the Amazon Vine Program, we have concluded that it is worth enrolling in this program. The feedback of reviewers does not affect the sale of the product, because the ranking is done by counting the number of helpful and positive reviews. Therefore, by getting the brand registered and fulfilling the requirements of Amazon, one can easily enroll in this beneficial program and make the products famous and easy to sell.

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