Amazon choice vs best seller badge
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Amazon’s Choice vs Best Seller Badge: Which Is Best?

Shopping for any quality product you need requires you to be careful and requires you to carry out a lot of research and consultation before you purchase a product.

It is straightforward to be deceived into buying a fake or poor quality product despite the product’s branding in the product listing, product pages or product description as there is an increased number of bad actors to sell just for the money and not for the consumer’s interest.

Shopping for the product you need has been made easier by the black and orange badges we see on products.

This means that the best products have quickly been listed down for you, and it should actually be easy for you just to pick the product you want.

It might sound easy, but it is challenging to choose from the “Amazon’s Choice Badge” and the “Best Seller Badge” since both represent and recommend best-selling high-quality products.

With the two badges awarded to different products, you cannot help but wonder about their criteria to award those products.

The information in this article will narrow down the different criteria used to award the different badges to different products and help you analyze the best to pick from, is it “Amazon’s Choice Badge” or “Best Seller Badge.”

For an Amazon seller, this info is useful too as these badges do influence conversion.

And this is not to be confused with the Amazon prime badge which just means there are delivery guarantee which can be found in the product detail pages.

So let’s begin!

The Amazon’s Choice Badge

What exactly are Amazon’s choice products?

When searching for a product and finding it recommended by Amazon in the search term, it looks very legit and makes one feel very comfortable purchasing the product.

Which leaves one wondering, what does it take for a product to deserve the “Amazon’s Choice Badge?”

What comes to the mind of many when they see a product with the amazon’s choice badge is that Amazon has tested the product in some way and approved it.

That, however, is not the case, as Amazon’s choice badge is awarded to products through Amazon’s A9 algorithm process and is largely keyword-oriented and sales velocity influenced.

It is an automated way in which Amazon decides what different product a buyer should consider by highlighting products to help the consumer in case they have a variety of products to choose from.

For a product to earn Amazon’s choice badge label, there have to be many searches conducted on a specific product by consumers and them making the purchase.

This means if the sales of a specific product are high following its specific keyword search, then the product is awarded the amazon’s choice badge.

For example, if Amazon finds that many buyer that searches for a particular keyword like “coffee table” and clicks on the Amazon listing and buys it, the chances of securing the Amazon’s Choice Badge for the keyword “coffee table” is high.

The more the people are searching for a particular product using the same keyword, the more it becomes an Amazon choice product to earn the amazon’s choice badge.

Think of all the products being ranked on this Amazon Choice badge ladder for that specific category. The one with the highest sales velocity will get it for that particular keyword. Do note that this is a separate rank from the best seller rank.

So it is normal to find that the same listing getting multiple Amazon choice badges for different keywords as this ranking follows the keywords, and not the product itself.

So keyword research and targeting long-tail keywords and highly relevant keywords on your Amazon product will do wonders in securing the Amazon’s choice badge for you.

Fun fact: According to Amazon employees and Amazon spokesperson, Amazon’s Choice Badge was initially designed for use with the voice search command through Alexa with the Amazon Echo smart speaker.

Alexa is an online assistant that makes shopping more straightforward as you just have to use your voice when ordering the product you want from Amazon, which means you have to provide relevant specific keyword so that the search results provided precisely suits what you are looking for which will be an Amazon choice product.

Criteria Used For A Product To Be Awarded “The Amazon Choice Badge”

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How to get the Amazon’s Choice Badge?

For a product to be awarded the Amazon’s Choice Badge, there are some important factors that a product must possess to be labeled as an Amazon’s choice product.

First and foremost, for a product to be awarded the Amazon’s Choice Badge, it must be a product that meets quality. When consumers shop for products, they always ensure they go for excellent quality products.

This is why a product to be tagged as amazon’s choice product must be one that many consumers demand, which is a high-quality product.

Second, it must behave high ratings and great positive reviews from consumers. Positive feedback from product users increases sales as more consumers will be attracted by the positive reviews and feel guaranteed that the product will not disappoint.

Customer reviews be it good reviews or negative reviews tells gives a star rating which helps the best match and best product gets found by the consumer.

Other factors include the product’s availability, eligibility for prime delivery, low return rate compared to other similar products, high conversion rate, competitively priced, popularity with consumers searching that keyword, a top seller in its category, and a product shipped or shipped sold by amazon itself.

A competitive price is one of the best way and first thing for new sellers to do to attract enough sales for Amazon’s algorithm.

This aids product users as a product with the “Amazon Choice Badge” means that Amazon recommends the product as they cannot risk recommending a product that has a tarnished name or is of poor quality.

The Amazon “Best Seller Badge”

The best seller badge is as plainly explained as the name says it; it is a badge awarded to a product with more sales and purchases in a specific product category for a certain period.

Every product on Amazon possess a ranking number called the Best Sellers Rank (BSR) or Amazon BSR, which is updated every hour by amazon based on the current sales data and the historical sales data. When a product has sold in large numbers in a specific timeframe, it will be labeled the number one bestseller and earn itself the best seller badge.

Criteria Used For A Product To Be Awarded The “Best Seller Badge”

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How to get the Best Seller Badge?

For a product to be served with the “best seller badge,” it has to have garnered a significant number of units in sales in its category and, therefore, should have features that attract attention and appeal to the consumer’s eyes. A best seller badge is social proof of the outstanding performance of a product.

So the sellers must take up their game by setting a price that will favor the pockets of the consumers, push for promotions on the product, set up good advertisements, especially ones endorsed by Amazon, make wise choices on the category your product should fall, discover the competitive keywords and check on the amazon sales velocity.

With the above factors in mind and twisted in the way that attracts and favors consumers to the product, then there is no doubt in the increased sales of the product, therefore, having it earn the best seller badge.

What Is The Main Difference Between Amazon Choice Badge and Best Seller Badge?

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Best Seller Badge Vs Amazon’s Choice Badge

A product that has a label or a badge on it tends to catch a consumer’s attention and boost the product’s sales as the consumer will easily choose the labeled product-not saying that those without badges or labels are not good products.

Still, its prominent product tags arouse the curiosity and attention of the consumers. Well, in the case of the two Amazon badges, despite having a few differences here and there, both purpose of assisting the buyer in making a quick purchase when hit with purchase confusion due to the varieties available.

An amazon choice badge is Amazon’s way to help consumers have less stress when choosing the product, especially when dealing with varieties.

An amazon’s choice badge is based on algorithm function and other factors taken into account by Amazon, while the amazon best seller’s badge is based more purely on sales velocity.

This means that the product that possesses the best seller badge has seen its way to the top as the best seller through its demand and consumption by consumers.

This is an earned badge by the performance of a particular product in its category or sub-category over a duration of time.

Other than the above significant difference, the two badges have the purpose of highlighting the best high-quality products for consumers to ease on confusion.

Which Is The Best Between “Amazon Choice Badge” and “The Best Seller Badge”?

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It is pretty difficult to tell on which product awarded these two different badges by Amazon is better than the other.

The fact that these two badges label excellent quality goods makes it challenging to eliminate either of them.

Do you choose a product recommended by Amazon, or do you trust the sales based on the high consumption of many other product users?

Quite a dilemma, but as it is said, the numbers never lie which both of these badges get awarded to product based on the numbers.

As difficult as it might seem to make a choice of products labeled by the two badges well for consumers, a bestseller badge could be more efficient compared to an Amazon choice badge.

The best seller badge tagged on an item indicates that other consumers have purchased the product and have actually been impressed and satisfied by the product.

For consumers, when purchasing a product, one that has the best seller badge is a product that has actually been used, approved, and verified by other consumers compared to the product that has the Amazon choice badge as it is based on the Amazon’s own algorithm.

For Amazon sellers, the two badges on their products have an advantage as the two badges complement each other.

A seller’s product that has been tagged with the Amazon’s choice badge is capable of making great sales following the label and achieving the best seller badge as well.

A seller’s product that has the best seller badge has a greater ability to be tagged by Amazon as Amazon’s choice product due to its great reviews by consumers and the high quality of the product.

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